LOVD - Variant listings for RPL5

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39 entries
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01 c.1A>G - p.Met1? - RPL5_00037 - Missense mutation transition
01 c.2T>G
  (Reported 2 times)
- p.Met1Arg - RPL5_00030 - Missense mutation transition
01 c.3G>C - p.Met1? - RPL5_00001 - Missense mutation transversion
02 c.39_40insT - p.Lys14X - RPL5_00007 - Insertion slippage
02 c.46_47insA - p.Tyr16X - RPL5_00016 - Insertion slippage
02 c.48C>A - p.Tyr16X - RPL5_00032 - Nonsense mutation transversion
02 c.48C>G - p.Tyr16X - RPL5_00012 - Nonsense mutation transversion
02 c.67C>T
  (Reported 2 times)
- p.Arg23X - RPL5_00013 - Nonsense mutation CpG
02 c.73+2T>G - p.0? - RPL5_00024 Intron 2 Donor splice site defect transversion
03 c.74-1G>A
  (Reported 2 times)
- p.0? - RPL5_00026 Intron 2 Acceptor splice site defect transition
03 c.91delT - p.Tyr31MetfsX7 - RPL5_00036 - Deletion -
03 c.134_138delACACA - p.Asn45ThrfsX66 - RPL5_00003 - Deletion slippage
03 c.145dupT - p.Tyr49Leufs X64 - RPL5_00027 - Insertion slippage
03 c.156_159delAGTT - p.Arg54X - RPL5_00017 - Deletion -
03 c.169_172delAACA
  (Reported 5 times)
- p.Asn57GlufsX12 - RPL5_00004 - Deletion slippage
03 c.172_173insA - p.Arg58LysfsX55 - RPL5_00009 - Insertion slippage
03 c.173 delG - p.Arg58LysfsX12 - RPL5_00019 - Deletion -
03 c.175_176delGA
  (Reported 4 times)
- p.Asp59TyrfsX53 - RPL5_00018 - Deletion slippage
03 c.183_184delTT - p.Ile61MetfsX51 - RPL5_00005 - Deletion slippage
03 c.189+1G>A - p.0? - RPL5_00010 Intron 3 Donor splice site defect transition
03 c.189+1G>T - p.0? - RPL5_00025 Intron 3 Donor splice site defect transversion
04 c.191_204insCTCTTACTATAGAT - p.Ile64LeufsX10 - RPL5_00035 - Insertion -
04 c.208G>T - p.Glu70X - RPL5_00033 - Nonsense mutation transversion
04 c.228C>A - p.Cys76X - RPL5_00014 - Nonsense mutation transversion
04 c.235_236insT
  (Reported 4 times)
- p.Tyr79LeufsX34 - RPL5_00020 - Insertion slippage
04 c.283delT - p.Tyr95MetfsX31 - RPL5_00038 - Deletion slippage
04 c.324+5G>T - p.0? - RPL5_00011 Intron 4 Donor splice site defect transversion
05 c.336delG - p.Arg112SerfsX14 - RPL5_00006 - Deletion slippage
05 c.347_348insTGGA
  (Reported 3 times)
- p.Lys117GlyfsX5 - RPL5_00021 - Insertion slippage
05 c.390C>G - p.Tyr130X - RPL5_00039 Exon Nonsense mutation transversion
05 c.418G>A
  (Reported 2 times)
- p.Gly140Ser - RPL5_00015 - Missense mutation transition
05 c.454delA - p.Arg152GlufsX12 - RPL5_00031 - Deletion -
05 c.[498_502delTGTGG;497_498ins40]
  (Reported 3 times)
- p.0? - RPL5_00022 - Insertion/Deletion -
06 c.535C>T
  (Reported 2 times)
- p.Arg179X - RPL5_00034 - Nonsense mutation CpG
06 c.565delG - p.Glu189AsnfsX23 - RPL5_00028 - Deletion slippage
06 c.573_574insG - p.Ala192GlyfsX25 - RPL5_00023 - Insertion slippage
06 c.[678C>A; 680T>G] - p.[Tyr226X; Ile227Arg] - RPL5_00002 - Nonsense/Missense mutation transversion
06 c.692_693insT - p.Thr232AsnfsX50 - RPL5_00008 - Insertion slippage
08 c.854C>T
  (Reported 2 times)
- p.Ala285Val - RPL5_00029 - Missense mutation transition
1 - 39

Legend: [ RPL5 full legend ]
Sequence variations are described basically as recommended by the Ad-Hoc Committee for Mutation Nomenclature (AHCMN), with the recently suggested additions (den Dunnen JT and Antonarakis SE [2000], Hum.Mut. 15:7-12); for a summary see Nomenclature. Coding DNA Reference Sequence, with the first base of the Met-codon counted as position 1.
Exon: Exon numbering. DNA change: Variation at DNA-level. If present, "Full Details" will show you the the full-length entry. RNA change: Variation at RNA-level, (?) unknown but probably identical to DNA. Protein: Variation at protein level. Frequency: Frequency of polymorphism. RPL5 DB-ID: Database IDentifier; When available, links to OMIM ID's are provided. Location: Variant location at DNA level. Remarks: Description of the variant Molecula Mechanisms: Molecular mechanisms